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From the moment you open Pronti you can find outfit inspiration. Pronti can search and create outfits from over 1000+ brands globally to find the perfect match for your outfit.
The more you teach Pronti about your style the better the recommendations get and when you get to step 2, you can Shop with Your Closet.
Pronti has many ways to upload your closet items - photo, internet images, email purchase receipts. Check out our tutorials for hacks and tips.
Don't have time to add many items? Pronti can work with even just one closet upload and start showing you outfit inspiration with your closet items.
Getting dressed or planning your week? Pronti can create outfits and new combinations from the items in your digital closet. Just hop into the filter and press Plan an Outfit to see outfits generated from your items.
The more you teach Pronti about your style the better the recommendations get. By saving, planning/wearing outfits, and clicking the thumbs down, Pronti learns your unique style.